yaayy... just uploaded something I composed... in a really short time. Not much thinking involved, and actually I do not consider it a great piece of art. Or a piece of art altogether, just some random notes thrown together in a few minutes work, a bit of copy and paste, a basic structure and nothing spectecular. Soooo, why the Hell did I do it, then? Because Im basically bored out of my mind atm, and the real complex stuff needs some more work, somehow those things never seem to be finished, even after they've been performed like 30 times... so I decided I would create something of which I could say it's complete, and I did.
And here it is!
I also uploaded this
It's ABSTRACT, dont be afraid, it wont hurt you. It's not designed to tear up your auditory senses or something like that. It's Art.
- just hoping anyone shares my opinion